Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My Son the Giant & Tales of Home..

So, I go to put Logan's shoes on and it's
a struggle. I find the pair of Children's Place
shoes I got thrift and put them on, they work
and so I set of to to my days errands.
One of them was to stop at the PX and get a
few things. So, while I was there I went to the
shoe section. They have this foot chart where
you measure kids feet and so I took Logan's shoes
off and had him stand on it. He was totally in a five,
wait, when did this happen??? My son was litterally
just a three a couple of months ago. So, needless to
say I found two pairs of shoes and got them size six
and he has the ones he was wearing. Thank goodness
my Aunt bought those size 7's for him before we left
Colorado, because it's the case of the Jolly Green Giant

Lance is going training until Friday. I miss him. If deployments
suck, it really sucks knowing he's an hour and a half away and
can't be here. You figure we've been seperated enough, but let
me tell you it never gets easier...

I have my PWOC tea tomorrow and then the rest of the week
is pretty up in the air. I needed to slow down anyways...

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Fog Anyone?

Well as the title says, "Fog anyone?"
It is really foggy today.
I had to drive in it at 0515 to get Lance to the kennels.
He's going down to Misau to train and certify with his dog, Karlo.
I am praying they both do well. Due to Lance's deployment and
then our ER leave, he doesn't have that many hours on the books
and I am just praying they certify.
Anyway, back to the fog.
I hate driving in it. It is creepy. Not horror movie creepy, just
can't see how the road turns creepy. Needless to say I went really
This weekend was okay. Friday was my birthday and Saturday
and Sunday, was good, lots of us time.

I am looking forward to Christmas and focus on Christ's birth.
It will be great.........

Saturday, December 6, 2008

December 5th and 6th, THE GERMAN LIFE.

Yesterday was my birthday.
I can hardly believe I am 24 yrs. old.
Next week on the 12th I will have a 16 month old.
Where does the time go?
The day saw Logan and I together and then later after Lance got home from work we went out and had dinner at this German place called,"The Buffalo Steakhouse." It was really good and the portions were worth the money. It was great we had a sitter, the alone time was nice.
I am really happy to be back.
There is some "red" military tape, but there's always things you don't like anywhere you go.
That is just life.
I am not sure some people understand what being here in Germany really means. Cheaper travel and an experience of a life time. People pay thousands of dollars to come over here..ya know. I am thankful for the oppotunity to live here.

Today, we went downtown. The Christmas market in town is a blaze and things are just
naturally hopping on Saturday though as Sunday everything everywhere is closed.
We just walked and looked around really.
Got a pastry, bread, it was yummy.
I kept watching everything - It is amazing to me how it is so much like the US and how different it is. There are many cultures living here. You see people of all colors walking around and sharing in life - that is how it is the same, but then they're speaking different languages and just a lot more set on community. That's how it is different.

Now we're home and I think planning on a family nap and then we finally have to get rid of these boxes. They never came for them, so we have to put them in our storage unit until we can get ahold of them to come and get them at last........

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Let it SNOW Let it SNOW Let it SNOW...

There is a lot of snow outside.
Bible study was canceled because of it.
I am still wondering weather I should do the
two things I need to do or not.
In other news, things are finally settling down.
I am very excited, because I may be doing the PWOC Newsletter and some PR.
I am excited because my talents are in the writing and arts and this would just be a great and Godly way for me to use my gifts.
I believe it is a calling for me, to get in there and use my gifts, to not be shy, and put myself out there no matter what people say. Sometimes it's hard for me to keep that focus.
I stamped one Christmas card invite that I needed to do. Now I have like 8 other cards I need to do. Good thing there is craft night tomorrow.
I also got a shower gift ready and stamped the tag - I just need a time to go and do it.
Logan is really cute these days..mostly.
He is getting his molars, so that's no fun, but he is just a great little almost 16 month old.
I mean he is just babbling away. Says some word, but mostly still babble. He is very sure of himself which he gets from his Daddy and a talker, like his Mommy. I think he is also a good bit of us both as he at times is laid back like Lance and then at times emotional like me.

Well I just thought I would blurb that all is well over here.
I am still not sure weather to just embrass the snow or not.
Guess I'll have to see when I am out in it today, HaHa.

Peace on Earth, and goodwill to men (hummanity.)

Monday, December 1, 2008

German wonders & Other Life Things

I am sitting here eating German Hazelnut yougurt because I am not buying American yogurt in single quanities and it is way too expensive to boot. As I am sitting here, I realize this stuff is actually really good. I bought four lil' cases of four different flavors. I love yogurt, so this works for me. It is a bit odd until you realize you mix it and the Hazelnut stuff is on the bottom. We get some of our produce at the commissary from Germany and our eggs and cheese from Denmakr - so it's very interesting. I just love being able to experience culture in such a simple ways. So, my advice - DON'T KNOCK IT UNTIL YOU TRY IT, when it comes to FOOD.

On the other front, the house just keeps getting better and better. I am trying to clean it daily rather than wait on things. It is a bit of a pain, but having white tiles in my kitchen and bathroom sure make my OCD self do it. We put a gate up and Logan is learning to play in his room. It is a bit tough to put things away and get stuff out of the way with a toddler at your feet. But we're all figuring it out.

He is sleeping very well in his new room and new toddler bed. I love that he now has space to be a kid in there. His other room was so small that I was glad he only spend 6 months in it. That whole apartment never felt like home and when we got back from the states, the damage made that feeling even worse. So, now I am just happy that my apartment finally, truly, is a home for us.

We will probably decorate for Christmas this weekend, not sure about the tree part though. I would like to get a small table top tree. I know that sounds strange, but I have Kid distructo living with me and don't want to have to say,"No," every other second, but we'll see.

So..Life is great!