Monday, October 27, 2008

Oh, the stuff to do..

Well upon reading my blog from yesterday, I realize that I need an editor. Ha-Ha. I apologize for the errors!

Anyhow, my dog, Kahlua, has her appointment for her health certificate on Nov. 3rd. If I do not get ahold of Fort Carson and get an appointment for then, I am going to have to go to Banfield pet hospital and pay $75 instead of the $10-12, I would have to pay at Fort Carson. I guess either way my dog will be going home and I should be thrilled about that, can you tell I am thrilled, Ha-Ha. I love her, but honestly, she's a Daddy's girl. Can you tell I am jealous? : )P

So, Kahlua is taken care of, now I need to deal with our room. I am constantly wondering how we gathered so much in here or how three people survive in one room. Our two bedroom apartment in Germany is looking really good right now, although I have lots to clean there too, once we get back. I know I'll be having a basement sale as soon as I've got it all seperated and organized. God has continually convicted me that we have to many material possessions, so I aim to get rid of what we don't wear, use or watch and hopefully that'll also get us some cash to help pay off our debt. Back to our room here in Colorado! It is let's just say a Type A's worst nightmare. I have to seperate what I need to mail home, give away, and or get to Goodwill, and also file all of the papers and paperwork that needs to go home with us. I am not dreading doing it, it's just that this laptop is entertaining me a lot this morning and I keep telling myself I have all day to do it, since for the first time in two weeks I am actaully completely's to getting a shower and getting it all done today!

Well okay, lots not forget the dog is here with me....again I say, Daddy's girl.

1 comment:

Mrs. Sewell said...

I pray that you get everything accomplished that needs to be for your trip home!

Love you!
Crystal <><