Monday, November 17, 2008

With Love from Deutchland (Germany!)


So, I missed the 9th of November and now 8 days. While I am sure each of you misses my blog, I am almost sure that you are each alive and well in spite of it not being published. I am in the PX area using the internet because we still don't have a connection and I feel a tad bad for using my friend's and also, I am waiting on laundry. The story of my life, MASS AMOUNTS of laundry that appear when my Husband is alone without me.

We're moving. We should finally get to look at places tomorrow. I am ready to be out of this ugly apartment building. If I could be so nice, I would say nicely it needs to be demolished after we and the last family is out. (On December 13th.) If I could show you all what it looks like now, you'd agree - trust me, this is not me being dramatic.

I have so many ideas running through my head. We're going to a friend's for Thanksgiving and I am doing a ham. I have plans to bake for Lance's company for Thanksgiving and then again for Christmas. I should say for the "Rear-D" since the company is in Iraq. I also, plan on baking for the soldiers at the Kennels as well...hmm, I wonder if I would be allowed to get the dogs something to snack on...

Life is well just life. I am a bit out of sorts due to the jet-lag. I miss Arianna everyday, and yet here I am with Lance and Logan...Just keep praying for us..

And soon this blog will be what I intended it...a mesh of my life, tips, and articles...


1 comment:

Christina said...

Glad you get out of the hole of a apt. I dont like the idea of you and the fam being there with what you say it looks like!!! I am glad that is all worked out that you get to move!

And baking that will for sure keep you busy wish I was there to have And I bet you could even find a receipe for some yummy doggie treats you could make if they would let you bring them to them.

Love you and your alway in my prayer. GOd Bless sweetie pie!